American Council of the Blind of Maine


Welcome to ACB of Maine

A ten minute video interview by President Leona McKenna with Marj Awalt follows on Hugh Awalt’s work and contributions with ACB of Maine and many of his community volunteer activities. Video Credit – Jason Levasseur, Acoustified Media; Andrea Salib

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Leona McKenna, who was always there to lend a hand and share a smile.
Obituary: Leona Ray McKenna (

 ACB of Maine would like to wish you the best with all your endeavors and invite you to join us as we move ahead towards a tomorrow filled with those special ingredients that makes us one of the best organizations around.

 Please feel free to look through our website, and while you’re at it, go grab yourself an ACB day!

President’s message:

Greetings to all! This is Amanda Frost,  I am the President of ACB Maine for the year 2024. I am looking forward to this wonderful year that will hold so many great things. First, forming and tending to committees, Second, a well overdue Website reconstruction and third, revisiting fund raising as I know it’s been successful in the past but hasn’t been done in a while. In addition, many more items of business will be tackled, and my wonderful board members will assist with making each meeting productive. I am also looking forward to getting to know all ACB Maine members as you make the solid foundation in which we stand up and advocate for change.  Please remember Change is Productive and being productive is progress.

Amanda Frost

Past President’s Messages

ACB of Maine Tech Talk

Want to learn more about accessible technology?  Curious how technology might be able to help you live a more fulfilling life?  Do you have questions about technology and just don’t know who to ask?

ACB of Maine has launched a new technology-related program called Tech Talk, hosted by Steve Sawczyn.  Tech Talk is a program that will allow folks to get technology questions answered, and have an opportunity to learn something new.  Tech Talk will take place via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM from February – July.  Information for joining the Zoom meeting will be sent out prior to each program.

The sessions are a great opportunity for you to provide input on the types of topics you would like to see covered during future editions of the program.  Also, we’ll review how to effectively use the Zoom conferencing system which may be helpful to those who are new to using Zoom, and to those who just might want a refresher.

I hope you will join me for Tech Talk, where together, we can share information about accessible technology, learn from one another, and find ways to use tech in ways that can improve our lives.  Tech Talk Dates: March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 14th, July 12th. To register for the program and if you have any questions about Zoom, contact Steve Sawczyn at Email:

 Phone:  (207) 458-8270. 

The summary of the first session by Steve Sawczyn follows: 
I just want to take a moment and thank all of you for attending this evening’s inaugural ACB of Maine Tech Talk.  I already love all the participation and knowledge that was shared.  For those who were unable to attend, we do have a recording of tonight’s program, but we’re still working out the details on how to make that available.  As soon as we have all the technical stuff ironed out, I will share a link to the recording.
In addition to introductions, here are some of the topics that were discussed, with relevant links:

Note, I do my best to keep track of all topics and resources discussed, but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes during the program and so if I missed anything, please let me know and I’ll include it in the next update.
Thanks again for joining me for Tech Talk, I look forward to our next discussion on Tuesday, 03/08 at 7:00 PM.

ACB Maine Newsletter 

Check out the latest ACB Maine Newsletter